North United Methodist Church | 3808 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46208


“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

North United Methodist Church depends on the generosity of its members and visitors to fulfill its missions. There are many ways to contribute.

Click here for an updated step-by-step guide to make your contributions.

Give by Mail: 3808 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208. Make checks payable to “North UMC”

Give in Person: You can use our offering plates, or if you prefer a contactless method, use our giving boxes.

Special Offerings and Designated Gifts: Most special offerings are listed on the online giving portal. When giving by check, please write the name of the special offering or designated ministry in the memo line. When giving cash, please write the name on the giving envelope.

Memorials: Memorial gifts can be sent to the church, 3808 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Please note who the gift is honoring.

Altar Flowers: Please contact Jennifer Tavitas to provide flowers for a specific Sunday. Altar flowers are $100 and are tax-deductible. (These donations do not count towards an annual pledge.)

Planned Giving: Please contact our business manager, Nancy Ricketts, to assist you or call the church office at (317) 924-2612.

Click here for the privacy and refund policies.