North United Methodist Church | 3808 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46208


Adults (include Young Adults, UMW).

Youth (Cory’s bullet points; make sure catechism class, ASP and cookie sales are included).

Children and Families (Amy’s submission, although perhaps a bit more condensed if possible.)

 Seniors (one page that talks about Shepherd’s Center and gives contact info)

 Care and Nurture (what Pastor Diane wrote; make sure to list her as someone to call when a member is hospitalized)

Mission and Outreach (one page that pretty much has what we have now. This will include everything like Bread and Bowl, Farmers Market, Green Team, Justice and Advocacy, etc. List contact info for all of the main groups. These could all be bullet points. If you want to have contact info for each one, that’s OK. Hyperlinks to each group’s social media pages if they have one.)