Danita Hoskin
Community Outreach Liaison
Phone: (317) 924-2612 x 25
Cell: (317) 469-3442
Email: dhoskin@northchurchindy.com
Office Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Office Hours: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
And other hours by appointment
Danita Hoskin, a native of Indianapolis, serves as North’s part-time community outreach liaison. She supports programs of the mission and outreach ministry, where she collaborates with other places of worship, community partners, and organizations to provide coordination, referrals, and support of direct services for neighbors, guests, and volunteers.
Danita is a graduate of Vincennes (Ind.) University and Concordia (Wis.) University. She has earned various certifications and credentials in finance, housing, education, and manufacturing. She recently earned her certification in emergency preparedness and resiliency coach: psychological first aid from John Hopkins University.
Danita has over 30 years of experience in community engagement and advocacy. She is actively involved as a board member/advisor for: Crown Hill Neighborhood Assn., Near North Development Corp., Community Action of Greater Indianapolis, Newfields’ community advisory committee, Indiana SNAP-ED community advisory board, and The Children’s Museum neighborhood development committee. She also volunteers with St. Vincent DePaul - Changing Lives Forever, Kheprw Institute - Community Controlled Food Initiatives, Catch The Stars Foundation, Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, National Organization of College Parents, American Cancer Association, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department/Marion County Sheriff’s Department, and Circle City Relief.
Danita is the manager of the North Church Farmers Market. She takes great pride in broadening the accessibility to local farm-fresh food choices and providing opportunities where market attendees can meet with representatives from health agencies, museums, the library, social support groups, and community stakeholders.
CEO/president of DH Diversified LLC, Danita connects individuals and organizations to appropriate resources and offers fundraising assistance to for-profit and nonprofit entities. She has one daughter, two bonus daughters, and four grandchildren